I was watching Se7en last night, and the general message the movie gives is that of people sinning and the world's general apathy to all of this. I loathe spoilers so I won't say any more than this, but the message is quite convincing. I am by no means a religious man, and I imagine I've been guilty of... probably all of them at some point in my life, like I imagine most people are in some small way. I'll quote the character of the mighty Morgan Freeman:
"Apathy is the solution. I mean, it's easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. It's easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. It's easier to beat a child than it is to raise it. Hell, love costs: it takes effort and work. ""Apathy is the solution" isn't of course saying that it's the right way. It's a solution. The point being made is that it's far too easy to do nothing than to work for something. The stabbing of Kitty Genovese comes to mind. And I quote Morgan Freeman's character again:
"Never cry for help. Always yell 'Fire.'. Nobody answers 'Help.'. Holler 'fire' they'll come running."I've heard this before elsewhere but a little different. What does this say about people as a whole? They wouldn't react to "rape!" or "help!" because it doesn't concern them directly. They would react to "fire!" because it could encroach upon them. Sad, isn't it?
This is not to say that everybody is like this, as there are bound to be people who say "No, I wouldn't do that." but if there's one thing people always forget is that they'll never know what they'll do when the time comes. Good intentions are never always enough, it's how you act on them. And for the most part, people rarely even act at all. One last quote from Morgan Freeman's character:
"People don't want a hero, they want to eat cheeseburgers, play the lotto and watch television."Ja ne~