Thursday 11 June 2009

Busy, busy, busy

I'm loving having no time anymore. No, really. Well it's not so much no time, as complete panic that I have something that needs to be done or could be done each day. Generally, when I need to get something done it just doesn't happen, and when something doesn't need to be done, it get's done double quick. (see PROCRASTINATION)

So it seems I'm writing, filming, and writing for film at the moment, with something to do nearly every day. But I do love being busy. I seem to work better when I'm rushed off my feet than when I can toddle along at my own pace. This doesn't couple with deadlines, mind you. By rushed off my feet I mean in a physical sense - that there's things that NEED to be done there and then. It's probably the only thing I miss about working in retail (aside from learning that yes, customers are still as stupid as they were ten years ago) is having a busy day with a lot to do.

This is only a short entry, as I'm now off to do some "pre-production" on a project. Ooo, alliteration.

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