Sunday, 19 July 2009

Post-Dartford Festival and More Projects

Dartford Festival

So as it turned out it didn't really go to plan. I was hoping to have a look around at the various stalls and things they had, however, I mostly went to meet up with a few friends I hadn't seen in a while. I had some good fun while I was with them, and had a bit of a think about the whole thing. From what I did get to see of the festival, and I did get a good walk around, it was a bit... well the best way to describe it is that it had "character". But after a bit more thinking I realised I was looking at it a bit wrong. It didn't matter how crap the rides were, how misplaced some of the stalls were (they had a scuba diving stall - the deepst water you'd find was a dodgy stream next to the park, and you probably don't want to go in there), and how some of the acts they'd booked for the event were something you'd see on the bottom end of the scale of a reality TV show.

So my thinking took me back to when I was waiting for a friend outside the park. There were so many attendees I was quite surprised. When I attended quite a few years ago there were nowhere near as many. Perhaps some of them had come to see Lemar? Perhaps a budding scuba diver came along on the offchance they'd find some likeminded people? Regardless their reasons (and I suspect a fair portion of them was to drink cider on the grass with their friends) it still brought a lot of people together. You can forget how crap things have been in the economy, or that you might catch flu, or that your scuba diving club is a little lack of members. Instead, people seem to come together as one random group to just have fun - it doesn't matter if you think it's all a little bit crap, it's fun crap, and it's all about who you're with and not where you are, something which could really apply well to general life.

So I've made a mental bid to attend more things, more random events, in the hopes of finding out new things, meeting new people, and generally having something more interesting to talk about than swine flu or the economy. You never know, I might gain a love for scuba diving.


I love these. I start too many of them and finish too few of them. However, I'm trying to do some projects that take very little maintenance, or time, for now at least. I've had a good few ideas for projects, and been given a few good (slightly unconventional) ideas for projects. Some will remain secret and will be revealed upon their completion. I'm looking forward to them all.

Ja ne~

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