Saturday, 18 July 2009

Swine Flu, Dartford Festival and an Upcoming Project...


So I was struck down with some sort of flu the other week. Up until then I'd thought all of this swine flu stuff was a load of over-hyped panic caused by the media. After, I was pretty certain it was just a load of over-hyped panic caused by the media. I will admit, sadly, I fell into it a little bit. When I fell ill, someone else I'd been in contact with two days before had fallen ill with most of the same symptoms, and he had brought up that he had the symptoms of swine flu and was worried about it. At this point I wasn't too bad, just had a dodgy stomach and was feeling generally crappy. After that was said though, it did play on my mind. What if there was a chance I had swine flu? I spoke to NHS Direct and a doctor at my local surgery. Both said the same thing. "Well, you have *a* virus, but I dunno whether it's swine flu or not. Just drink lots." If they had no bloody clue, what chance did I have of knowing?

Let's skip to the end. I was absolutely fine, I am absolutely fine now. Whether or not it was swine flu, I don't think it would have made a difference if it had been. It's just a flu. It's *a* flu. You could get over it the same as you would any flu. However we are led to believe it's some epic disease that's going to wipe out humanity if we don't exhaust all vaccine's now to anyone who's feeling slightly under the weather. Let's address some points:

-- It's Killed People
Yes, it has, but they all had underlying health problems. Think of the regular flu, in which it usually attacks the young and the elderly, ie, those that have not yet fully developed, or those that are, bless 'em, a little worse for wear. Swine flu isn't as discerning, but the point still stands that those who aren't quite as healthy are more susceptible. This is hardly anything new to the human race. Calm down.

-- It's Going To Mutate
So there's the chance it'll mutate into something stronger, yes, because it's all new and that. But think of all those people who are taking the vaccine for when they think they have swine flu (or worse, doctors and surgeries giving it out willy nilly) what's going to happen if it does mutate and we really do need it? It'll be gone or in short supply because of the huge panic. Calm down.

-- Shit, I Caught Swine Flu From...
If you're going to get it, you're going to get it, don't blame whoever you thought you might have got it from, or the person you actually got it from, they didn't ask for it either. And don't shuffle nervously away from anyone suspected of it either. We're all human beings here, not many people like being isolated, and those who do are probably sitting at home anyway. Calm down!

In short, you're not going to die, grow pig ears or start snorting when you laugh. And for those who do snort when they laugh (or happen to have pigs ears), don't worry, maybe this is your natural immunity kicking in.


I'm off to the Dartford Festival today, possibly also tomorrow. For those not in the know, it is a festival in Dartford. At least, that's what they call it. It is always on Saturday and Sunday, with a stage and musical acts, and various sort of festival like things. Okay, I'll admit, I haven't been in years so I've completely forgotten, but the point of this is I'm hoping to remember a few things to write about when I get back. What normally happens is that a bunch of friends go to the festival, despair at the music and get drunk on cider. The last time I was there, I went to the festival, despaired at the music, but I only have the odd cup of tea. However, taking a look at the official website, for once, I might have a look around and partake in some of the things they have available. I will investigate, and report back.


Does that sound nice and mysterious? Not mysterious enough probably. After taking part in an unusual bet of sorts, I'm going to try something on a bit of a bigger scale. I will start this project on Monday, and give it a week, to the Sunday, and will report my progress.

Ja ne~

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